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Cutting My Mother Some Slack

When I was a child the image of my mother barging through our front door pulling up her dress, pulling down her girdle and exhaling as she let our a big sigh has never quite left me. The tight elastic from the girdle would leave her yellow skin red and embossed with lines and patterns. […]

Poetry, Reviews, Video, Videos

Crushing on Poet Vanessa Kisuule

  I am regularly trolling the internet for inspiration and more so right now as i am working on my new poetry album. My current poetry obsession is Vanessa Kisuule. I don’t know whether it is the way she is able to weave her words with emotions seamlessly yet delivering them with a certain kind […]


Teaching myself to step back

  You know one of those friends who never mind their business. Before you know it every conversation turns into a career counselling session and if there is any extra time in view, it is likely to morph into an intervention. Yes those types of friends. Those really annoying kinds that sometimes you would rather […]